It has an open anterior design for the treatment of mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea. The open anterior concept contains no buccal or incisional coverage of the anterior teeth which leads to maximum patient comfort and natural tongue protrusion. These appliances also do not interfere with cosmetic work.
There are a variety of medical options to explore with the specialist when you’ve been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea—a disorder in which relaxing of the muscles all around the tongue and throat allows the tissues to impede airflow through the lungs since you are asleep. As a non-invasive treatment choice, oral appliances therapy is progressively recommended for patients dealing with obstructive sleep apnea. Some dental appliances or mouth guards, such as mandibular advancement devices (MAD) are among the most commonly available and most effective.

The preferred types of oral appliances are the custom-made tartaric mandibular advancement devices (MAD). Fortunately, mandibular development systems are effective in decreasing the extent of obstructive sleep apnea, utilizing constant supportive airway pressure treatment to a lesser degree than regular therapy (CPAP). For the cure of mild to severe obstructive sleep apnea, it has an open anterior configuration. There is no mouth or incisional coverage of the anterior teeth in the open anterior definition, which contributes to optimum patient relaxation and normal protrusion of the tongue. Such appliances do not mess with cosmetic function either.
Overall, mandibular advancement system therapy’s health outcome is comparable to that of CPAP, possibly due to inadequate CPAP compliance relative to insane therapy, culminating in similar therapeutic efficacy.
There are three types of sleep apnea obstructive, central, and mixed this is also called OSA as a shorter form.
The muscle that supports the soft tissues in your throat like the tongue and soft palate, temporarily relax. Because these muscles relax the airway is narrowed or closed.
These devices need to be fitted by a dentist or orthodontist and need to be worn in the mouth at night as well. Mandibular advancement device is the most widely used mouth device for sleep apnea.
There are some remedies like maintain a healthy weight and also try yoga as well to strengthen your heart.
Dairy products contain high-fat content and this can increase your body’s mucus production.
Obstructive sleep apnea is a common disorder involving the collapse of the upper airway during sleep.
You can try these tips:
- Lose weight
- Sleep on your side
- Raise the head of the bed
- Quit smoking
- Get enough sleep
By removing the tonsils or adenoids can be very effective snoring, surgery can be particularly beneficial when the problem goes beyond snoring.
Olive oil and honey contain anti-inflammatory this can also reduce the swelling and provide some lubrication to the throat and reduce snoring.
Place the tip of your tongue against the back of your top front teeth. Slowly slide your tongue backward with the tip moving along the roof of your mouth. Repeat 5-10 times.
Nettle leaf tea can help to control snoring and this can be a good home remedy in snoring