Herbst Appliance

It is a mandibular repositioner used in earlier years for Orthodontic and TMJ therapy. Now, this modification is used for dental sleep appliances.
- It uses a telescopic sliding tube connection between the upper and lower retainer portions; also permits lateral and vertical movement while it maintains the mandible forward position. The upper and lower trays do not come apart.
- Materials include — dual laminate, acrylic with or without clasp appliance, or milled CAD/CAM. It allows 2-3 mm lateral movement and adjustable at ¼ mm increments.
- It is worn during sleep to increase the upper airway volume and reduce collapsibility.
- It utilizes a unique patented fin coupling component, maximizing patient comfort and compliance.
Herbst Dental
The Herbst appliance help to move the lower jaw forward while putting backward pressure on the upper jaw.
The Herbst appliance usually worn for about 12 months, there are chances that the patient might see results before that.
Yes, the Herbst appliance is an effective treatment and that helps improvement in jaw functionality.
You need to avoid hard foods such as gums, caramel, etc.
Palatal expansion does not usually cause pain, but you might feel difficulty while speaking and swallowing for few days.
This application doesn’t hurt when it is placed, during the first week you may feel a bit of discomfort on your teeth and cheeks.
This Herbst appliance is designed to enhance the growth of the lower jaw in children, it changes the position of your jaw will also affect the appearance of your face.
You need to put your fingers on the upper borders of the upper splint and press firmly downwards until it releases from the teeth.
Cut down your food into small pieces and you have to chew it more carefully avoid sticky food such as gum, caramel, taffy.
A rinse of warm salt water can help in both pain and healing too, it is advised to consume soft food for a couple of days.
Need to avoid sticky food like caramel, bubble gums, and candy suckers these can take your brace away from the teeth.