3D Imaging:
Cone Beam Computed Tomography is an innovative medical imaging technique that provides our dentist in Ballantyne, NC with three-dimensional views of the patient. During a CBCT scan, the machine rotates around the patient, capturing images using a cone-shaped X-ray beam. These images are then used to construct a 3D representation of the patient’s teeth, oral and maxillofacial region (mouth, jaw, and neck), and ears, nose, and throat.
Planmeca 3D imaging units offer the proprietary Planmeca Ultra Low Dose™ imaging protocol that enables 3D imaging with an even lower patient radiation dose than standard 2D panoramic imaging. The pioneering imaging protocol lowers effective patient doses significantly without a statistical reduction in image quality – known as the ALARA principle (As Low As Reasonably Achievable). It helps clinicians for better diagnosis and treatment planning.

Why is 3D better than 2D imaging?
With 3D imaging, we discover unknown problems, obtain the diagnosis sooner and often find a diagnosis which we might have missed. With approval from Planmeca, we are providing a link from an article that compares the different examples. If we had been using a 2D panoramic system alone, we would have arrived at a VERY DIFFERENT TREATMENT PLAN. The technology aids to make the RIGHT TREATMENT PLAN for the best patient care.
For this dentist use a special machine called Cone Bram Computed Tomography machine. With the help of this machine, dentists get a better look at your teeth by creating a 3D image.
3D scans emit significantly less radiation as compared to 2D scans. Additionally, with greater picture quality as well.
Because of the rapid advancement now you can get a perfectly fitting 3D tooth.
Traditionally, it was made of composite resin, and nowadays new resins and other materials are being developed for 3D printers.
A 3D printed crown may last anywhere between 5 to 15 years, after all, it depends on the wear and tear of the crown as well.
For 3D dental images an X-ray arm rotates around your head and captures multiple images and sends it to a computer and the computer puts the images together in a 3D format.
A 3D dental image makes it easier for the dentist to plan an accurate diagnose and treatment of oral health.
The complete process to create 3D images of the jaws, including bone shape and structure ad tissue structure. This entire process can take approximately 20 minutes.
These scans are painless and highly accurate and this can capture the image of bone and soft tissues at the same time.
A 3D dental scan can detect cysts, tumors, salivary gland problems, and teeth alignment, and more.
3D dental scans are safe as compared with 2D scans because they emit less radiation compared to 2D scans.