Temporomandibular Joint Disorders

Temporomandibular Joint Disorders

TMJ Disorders

Any disorder with complex Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) can cause a broad range of symptoms. It can range from headache, pain behind the eyes, limited mouth opening, buzzing noise in the ear and clicking jaw joints. The pain or a “clicking” sound occurs when the joints of the jaw and the chewing muscles (muscles of mastication) do not work together correctly.

TMJ or Temporomandibular joint is a type of joint present in your body that connects the jaw bone (or mandible) to the skull (or temporal bone of the skull), and that’s why the name. And sometimes, this TMJ joint may get damaged due to any injury to teeth, jaw, misalignment of teeth and jaw, arthritis, poor posture, etc., leading to a localized pain in and around the TMJ joint called TMJ syndrome or disorder.

Symptoms may include popping sound in the ear, headaches, pain in the temple area, stiff jaw, earache, etc., which may get resolved on its own, but if your experience discomfort or pain a few times, it is best to schedule an appointment with the doctor.

At Apollo Dental, we offer every kind of dental solutions to our clients, from cosmetic dentistry services such as teeth cleaning and zoom whitening to complex dental procedures. Schedule an appointment online for your desired date and time with Apollo dental.

Without the treatment of TMJ, it leads to severe pain, jaw pain, and even resulting in eating disorders as a result of their pain. TMJ needs proper medical attention and needs to be treated.

Someone with TMJ needs to sleep on your back for a night of better sleep, in this your jaw can still move while you are sleeping.

Pain in the jaw and especially in the joint area. The pain would be like a toothache or earache as well this will feels like sounds of cracking ears.

Diagnose can be done with dental X-rays or CT scan to provide detailed images of the bones. MRI is to reveal problems with joint disk or near to soft tissues.

There are many symptoms of TMJ them the doctor will use several different imaging tests that will include an X-ray of the jaws.

Through grinding and cleaning of your teeth, that will put more pressure on the joints. This stress can cause tighten facial and jaw muscles.

For most people, the discomfort from TMJ will eventually go away on its own with the help of simple self-care practice.

If the TMJ comes from grinding or clenching then your dentist may recommend you to wear a custom dental appliance. This will keep your upper teeth from grinding against your lower teeth.

There are best ways to get rid of TMJ:

  • Avoid overuse of jaw muscles try to eat soft foods.
  • You need to stretch and strengthen your jaw muscles to massage the muscle yourself.

The TMJ disorder is not considered a disability as this condition does not limit any of your functions.

There is a common link between stress and teeth grinding, it can help to develop TMJ disorder as a result.

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