Tooth Decay

Tooth Decay

Tooth Decay

The most likely location for a cavity to develop is on the chewing surface of the back teeth. The surfaces are not smooth and there are tiny grooves – “pits and fissures” which trap the bacteria and the food particles. The toothbrush bristles are not able to always reach these dark, moist little crevices. This creates conditions for tooth decay.

Tooth bonding is more than other cosmetic dental procedures, this process does not require typically anesthesia and it doesn’t require multiple visits as well. The process of bonding can easily fix the imperfection within a tooth, with the help of this process we can also close small gaps between the teeth. This process would be also helpful to increase the size of a tooth, At Apollo Dental we ensure to provide a fast procedure so you can continue your normal daily routine after this procedure. We also ensure to share some of the best habits to maintain good oral health and also to maintain the bonding.

After the process we recommend you brush your teeth twice a day.
Also, avoid eating hard food and candy.
Try to avoid coffee, tea, and tobacco for the first two to three days to avoid stains.

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Dr. Ishita Seth takes her time to listen to the concerns of her patients, ensuring that her focus supports quality, comprehensive patient care.


Can you fix tooth decay?

Tooth decay can be repaired by itself by using minerals from saliva and fluoride from toothpaste. If the decay continues to happen, then you can lose more minerals.

Can I reverse tooth decay?

Fortunately, in the beginning, stages the cavity can be reversed by taking good oral habits and hygiene.

What does tooth decay smell like?

The odur can be similar to rotten eggs if you don’t often brush then the food particles breaks into tiny particles and caught between your teeth.

What does tooth decay look like?

At first instance, tooth decay would look like a simple stain. Over the period the spots get larger.

Does salt water get rid of cavities?

Salt water can be effective because it contains antiseptic properties. It can also help to destroy the bacteria.

What happens if tooth decay is left untreated?

If a tooth is left untreated it can lead to infection into the tooth called tooth abscess. It can also destroy the inside of the tooth as well.

What are the stages of tooth decay?

Here are the stages of tooth decay:

  • Initial Demineralization
  • Enamel decay
  • Dentin decay
  • Pulp decay
  • Abscess
Will a decayed tooth eventually fall out?

If a tooth becomes rotten because of decay, you need to visit the dentist. The dentist can help the patient to save his rotten tooth with a root canal.

How long do dental fillings last?

This filling is completely customized and also blended to match your enamel. These filling can last 10 to 12 years.

What Color is tooth decay?

Because the bacteria in your mouth continue to break down in your tooth enamel, you might notice a yellow or grey color in your cavities.

Which teeth decay first?

The initial stage would be a chalky substance on the surface of the tooth that appears due to loss of calcium and build-up of plague.

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