Dental Sealants

Dental Sealants

Dental Sealants

Dental sealants are a thin coat or plastic coating painted onto the chewing surface. The dental sealants quickly bond with the grooves of the teeth, it will form a protective shield over to the enamel. Deantal sealants can easily prevent cavities for many years, this shield will cover the cavities that will block all the germs and food to enter into the cavities. The tooth enamel does not contain any nerve so it does not require any numbing, after this process finishes you may eat, drink because dental sealants are a quick and painless way to prevent cavities. For a few days, you will feel odd while biting some but after few days you won’t even know the sealants are there in your teeth. Dental sealants are sometimes used on permanent teeth as well if they have grooves or pits, this helps to protect the surface. The sealant can be clear or the color of the sealant depends upon the sealant that is used by the dentist.

Yes, dental sealants can protect your tooth from tooth decay very easily.

Adults can also get benefits from sealants too because the risk of cavities can be developed at any particular age.

Dental sealants are completely safe for children.

The treatment is painless and the time taken is about 45 minutes to apply and also depends on how many teeth need to be sealed. Also, sealants need to be applied properly for good retention.

It takes a day or two to entirely take the tooth’s shape, but once sealants are fixed you will feel any difference. They don’t put any stop to eating and chewing.

Sealants can last for 9 years after the placement, sometimes they can also fall off. They need to be checked at a regular dental appointment.

These sealants can be beneficial because you never outgrow the risk of developing cavities.

Most of the sealant failures happens after six-month, because of the reason of occlusal wear, proximal caries, and tooth loss.

It is like a thin compound material that gets back to the surface of your back teeth.

Dental sealants are safe for children all the rumors that are popping up are fake.

If the sealants are not placed properly they can also cause cavities as well.

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