Dental Implants

Dental Implants

Cosmetic Dental Implants Charlotte

Cosmetic Dental implants are lasting, stable tooth replacements that can be used to replace one missing tooth, several missing teeth or complete arches of teeth.

There are three steps

– The titanium screws are inserted with precision into the gums and the jawbone using Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT). Implants prevent the jawbone deterioration and tissue loss. If there is not enough bone to hold the implant, the dentist will first perform bone graft. The bone heals in a process called osseointegration.

– A connector (also called as abutment) is placed on top of the dental implant.

– The abutment holds the crown which are custom made to fit the mouth. If replacing more than single tooth, custom made bridge or denture will be made to fit the mouth.

Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) — is justified for presurgical diagnosis, preoperative planning and peri-operative transfer for oral implant rehabilitation. It decreases the risk of complications, improves the outcome and overall patient care.

Dr. Ishita Seth has done the prestigious Maxi-Course to place dental implant procedure. She has also done several live implant courses. You learn the cutting-edge technology to combine with dentistry.

Over the decades, the combination of dentistry with technology has converted a lot of blind end procedures into precision dentistry.This helps improve patient outcomes significantly with excellent patient care.

At Apollo Dental in Ballantyne, Dr. Ishita Seth believes that dental knowledge is a lifelong process which humbles us. We thank everyone for this wonderful opportunity to learn and serve the humanity. A satisfied patient leaves with a smile and that is ‘PRICELESS’.

What is Dental Implant Surgery?

Dental implants surgery can be easily explained as a procedure where the roots of the tooth are replaced with screw-like posts that are made with metals and the damaged or the missing teeth are then replaced with artificial ones, which will then function like a real tooth without none being the wiser about it. The replaced root of the tooth is called a dental implant which is usually made with titanium. Dental implants surgery is the preferred alternative to dentures or bridgework, which may not fit well.

Dental implants are a permanent solution as these implants would not slip, make any noise, or cause bone damage which is a common issue with dentures and bridgework.

Types of dental implants

When it comes to dental implants, there are two different types that are recommended by the doctor according to the patient’s requirement – endosteal and subperiosteal. In endosteal implants, which is the commonly used implant nowadays, the implant is placed inside the bone, whereas in subperiosteal, the implant rests on top of the jawbone and under the gum tissue.

How to know whether a patient requires dental implants or not?

The best way to know whether dental implants surgery is right for a patient is to reach out to Apollo Dental and book a dental appointment as soon as possible. Here are some signs that will indicate that, yes, dental implants would be right for the patient.

  • If the patient has one or more missing teeth
  • The jawbone of the patient has reached its full growth
  • The patient should be able to have a bone graft if they do not have adequate bone to secure the dental implants.
  • Healthy oral tissues are a must.
  • Don’t have any health condition that can impact the bone healing procedure.
  • Unable to wear dentures
  • The patients want to improve their speaking ability.
  • The patient does not smoke tobacco
  • Can commit several months for the procedure

When would bone grafting be required?

A preliminary checkup is done before the surgery, and if the patient’s jawbone is not thick enough, the patient would need bone grafting to handle the dental implant. The reason for that is when an individual chew their food, a tremendous amount of pressure would be placed on the bone, and if the bone is not strong enough to support the dental implant, then it would fail. What a bone graft does is that it creates a robust base for the implant.

Choices of artificial teeth

Yes, a patient can also choose whether they want fixed or removable false teeth. They both have benefits and drawbacks.

Removable teeth – The patient can remove the false teeth to either clean or repair them, and it is very similar to conventional removable dentures.

Fixed teeth – Here, the false tooth is permanently fixed with the individual implant abutment.

What to do after the surgery?

  • Practice regular oral care
  • Keep up with your appointments
  • Do not put too much pressure on the implants
  • Avoid tobacco and caffeine products

Apollo Dental provides its patients with a hassle-free dental implants procedure. Our world-class professional staff takes care of everything from pre-surgery preparation to after-surgery care. The dental implant is a lengthy procedure, and Apollo Dental stays with its patients every step of the way to ensure that they do not face any difficulty before and after the surgery. Moreover, we always look forward to providing the best dental implant solutions to provide you with a beautiful smile.

Frequently Asked Question

What are dental implants and what are the steps to do this?

Dental implants allow you to live your life the way you want to. Dental implants are the closest you can get to natural, healthy teeth. You can enjoy yourself while eating, smiling, laughing, talking and exploring all your everyday activities without worrying about your teeth.

There are three steps-

  • The titanium screws are inserted with precision into the gums and the jawbone using Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT). Implants prevent the jawbone deterioration and tissue loss. If there is not enough bone to hold the implant, the dentist will first perform bone graft. The bone heals in a process called Osseointegration
  • A connector (also called an abutment) is placed on top of the dental implant
  • The abutment holds the crown which is custom made to fit the mouth. If replacing more than single tooth, custom made bridge or denture will be made to fit the mouth

How Cone Beam Computed Tomography segmentation works?

Cone Beam Computed Tomography is justified for presurgical diagnosis, pre-operative planning and peri-operative transfer for oral implant rehabilitation. It decreases the risk of complications, improves the outcome and overall patient care. Teeth segmentation is an important task in computer-aided procedures and clinical diagnosis. We propose an accurate and robust algorithm based on watershed and morphology operators for teeth and pulp segmentation and a new approach for enamel segmentation in cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images. Proposed method consists of five steps:

  • Acquiring appropriate CBCT image
  • Image enhancement
  • Teeth segmentation using the marker-controlled watershed (MCW)
  • Enamel segmentation by global threshold, and finally
  • Utilizing the MCW for pulp segmentation.

Proposed algorithms evaluated on a dataset consisting of 69 patient images. Experimental results show a high accuracy and specificity for teeth, enamel, and pulp segmentation.

Are Dental Implants Safe?

Of course, like anything in life dental implants do pose a small degree of risk but you do need to meet certain eligibility criteria before your dentist will recommend implants as a course of a treatment. This means that implant failure rates are quite low and success rates quite high.

If you are a high risk patient for surgery, your dentist will discuss any potential problems with you.

In general to answer your question dental implants are not dangerous. If a person has missing teeth one of the ways for replacing the teeth permanently is through dental implant.

How Much Time Does a Dental Implant Procedure Take?

If the tooth was extracted due to an infection in the root or gum, treatment can take longer. Can be posiiible your dentist has to wait a few months after removing the tooth, before placing an implant to allow the infection to clear. Also, you will need bone grafting, if bone needs to be built up in your jaw before implants can be fitted, which will increase the length of time your treatment will take.

Normally, the process for getting a dental implant requires two surgical procedures or can last anywhere between six to eight months.

In the initial surgical appointment, gently placed into the bone socket of the missing tooth, a tooth root implant made of titanium. By using either local anesthesia or general anesthesia, the procedure can be done for patients who are anxious. There is very little discomfort to get the recovery from the procedure which is often associated.

Can You Turn Dentures Into Implants?

Yes, it can be possible for some patients whose existing denture can be converted into an implant denture. But a number of situations are available where we have to make a new prosthesis.

These are all important and include:

  1. Design of the final prosthesis
  2. Anatomy of the supporting jaws and gums
  3. Position of the implants in relation to the denture contours
  4. Condition of the denture
  5. Patient’s desires.

Does the Dental Implant Procedure Hurts?

Replace missing or damaged teeth to consider dental implant surgery, but concerned how much it is going to be painful afterward? Well, these are some common fears.

However, most dental implant patients confess the discomfort is minimal and the procedure doesn’t hurt. Plus, they give patients a natural, lasting smile, allowing them to live and eat without holding back and this is the reason implants are popular.

All of this screwing and drilling may sound painful, but once you get to know that placing an implant is easier than taking a tooth out. Usually, a local anesthetic is used, which means you are awake during the surgery. You shouldn’t feel any pain during the surgery, especially if it is done with healthy tissue.

How painful is getting a dental implant?

Local anesthesia would be used to numb your nerve, after that, you will not feel any kind of discomfort.

What hurts more tooth extraction or implant?

There are most of the patients felt less discomfort during the implant surgery than the tooth extraction.

Do gums grow around implants?

There are chances that gum can grow between your dental implants. This is a reason they put a temporary crown on the top of the implant.

How do you remove a dental implant?

To remove the dental implants, local anesthesia needs to be used to put your gums to sleep.

Can you eat an apple with dental implants?

After the dental implants you can easily chew, fruits like apples and corn and this will not dislodge or shift your new teeth.

Can a dental implant fall out?

This comes in a rare possibility for the actual implants to fall out, if it happens it needs to be get examined for a suitable option.

Are dental implants considered cosmetic?

Dental implants are also considered as cosmetic, however, there will also have been traditional dentistry.

What is classed as cosmetic dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry refers to any work done that will help to improve the appearance of teeth, gums, and bite.

What are cosmetic dentists called?

Most commonly prosthodontists can perform regular cosmetic procedures such as teeth whitening, teeth bonding, etc.

Do you wear veneers all the time?

You need to wear them at least for seven to ten days after these days you have to visit again and then the dentist will decide the next phase.

Do Veneers stay white?

These veneers are made of stain resistance so this means they will maintain the same beauty for a longer period.

Do you regret veneers?

The most number of people will not have any regrets with veneers the only regret is that they have to wait for long to correct their smile.

Business Hours

Monday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Friday: 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM

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