Dental Extraction

Dental Extraction

Dental Extraction

Severe tooth decay can infect the surrounding tooth and abscess may form. Our dentist will try her best to save the natural tooth, but if the abscess worsens, to prevent sepsis, she would need to do a Tooth extraction service in charlotte NC. It is urgent and important otherwise it can cause sepsis, shock and even death.

Yes, a tooth pulling will surely hurt you. Moreover, the dentist uses local anesthesia during the process to eliminate pain.

After the tooth extraction, you will be feeling normal pain and you also should expect swelling and bleeding as well.

Avoid smoking and sipping also avoid eating hard vegetables to be avoided after tooth extraction. Also consume soft and liquid food after the tooth extraction like soup, milkshakes, yogurts, etc.

This would be a very minimal process after the completion you can easily drive back home without any problems.

The hardest teeth to pull are the ones on the lower back part of the jaw.

Pilling a tooth is cheaper than getting it fixed, the replacement of the tooth will cost more time and money.

The oral surgeon will ask you to relax for about 48 to 72 hours because the soft tissue needs 2 to 3 weeks to fully heal.

You would be allowed to eat soft food for the first 24 hours of the surgery. Along with this you also need to avoid hot food and drinks for several hours after the surgery.

You need to drink plenty of water after the tooth extraction, and also mix a little salt as well in the water.

To recover fast you need to take proper rest and apply ice. Along with this try to consume soft foods for some days.

Any type of oral surgery you need to sleep for elevated for at least 2 to 3 nights. This will allow your body to drain more fluid away from the site.

If tooth enamel is damaged, then it cannot be brought back.

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Monday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM Tuesday: 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM Wednesday: 8:00 AM- 5:00 PM Thursday: 9:00 AM- 6:00 PM Friday: 7:30 AM- 4:30 PM

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