Dental Bonding for Tooth

Dental Bonding for Tooth


Bonding is a procedure where a tooth colored resin is applied and hardened with a special light which bonds the material to the tooth to improve the person’s smile. It can repair teeth that are chipped and stained, crooked and have minor gaps. Bonding is affordable, durable, and long-lasting and is an excellent alternative to dental veneers and crowns. Dr. Ishita Seth can meet with you, examine your teeth, and discuss how a bonding procedure can help improve your smile.

Keep Your Teeth Healthy and Strong...

You are never fully dressed without a smile!

Meet Dr. Seth

Dr. Ishita Seth graduated from Tufts University, School of Dental Medicine, Massachusetts in 2010. She also holds a dental degree from the Government Dental College – Patiala, India and has several academic achievements. She is fluent in English and culturally attuned to patients from various backgrounds.

Caring Dental Staff

Our patients are the best part of the Apollo Dental family!

It’s important that your dental provider takes a personal approach to your healthcare!

Dr. Ishita Seth takes her time to listen to the concerns of her patients, ensuring that her focus supports quality, comprehensive patient care.


How long does dental bonding last?

The dental bonding for the front teeth can last 4-8 years, this particularly depends on the location of the bond tooth.

Is dental bonding permanent?

The process of teeth bonding is not permanent, but this process is a long-lasting one. Many patients kept the bond for 10 years or more.

How does tooth bonding work?

Tooth bonding is a process into which a durable plastic material is applied and hardened with a special light.

Do all dentists do bonding?

The bonding can be used by a general dentist as well to make your small teeth large and long.

What is the difference between a filling and bonding?

The major difference in filling and bonding would be, filling works only on the functionality of the tooth. Bonding is done to shape the tooth and enhance the looks and aesthetic of the tooth.

Can you drink coffee with dental bonding?

After the process of dental bonding tries to avoid consuming resin material. This can cause a stain, if you consume more coffee or tea in this case you will need a dental bonding soon.

Does bonding ruin your teeth?

This will not be affecting your natural enamel not even after years as well.

Can front teeth be bonded?

Composite bonding is used to repair the chipped front teeth, and also some close gaps between teeth.

Does composite bonding look natural?

The dental bonding is made of a composite resin and the shade will match the teeth’ color.

Is composite bonding reversible?

Dental bonding can be removed in a reversal process and dental bonding is an additive treatment.

Does baking soda whiten bonded teeth?

As per the dentist baking soda might not be the best choice, it can also damage the glaze on the bonding.

How many times can a tooth be bonded?

You just need to visit once from the process, it won’t be required any anesthesia as well.

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