Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry

There is a saying that is quite popular; every tooth in a person’s mouth is more valuable than a diamond. Now the author of this quote is not talking about the materialistic value of a tooth as compared to a diamond, as a diamond is significantly more expensive and rarer compared to a tooth, but about the value of a tooth for the individual as the tooth is one of the most important and noticeable features of a body. One of the first things an individual would notice about you is your teeth, and as they say, the first impression is what counts the most; it is crucial that you have an appealing smile and have teeth that are in proper order.

Discolored teeth, damaged or missing teeth could not only spoil your date, but it could have even more adverse reactions in your life like loss of confidence, not closing out business deals, social avoidance, and much more, and that’s not even counting the oral and dental issues one might face in the future. And this is where cosmetic dentistry comes in.

Now, you can say goodbye to your awkwardly placed teeth and have a smile that you could not help yourself but share. Cosmetic dentistry is a procedure where the doctors focus on improving the appearance of the patient’s mouth, teeth, gums, and smile. It is a specialized field where dentists achieve their goals by using various methods and procedures like teeth whitening, veneers, fillings, implants, and many more.

Here are the procedures applied by dentists in Cosmetic dentistry.

  • Dental Veneers

    Dental Veneers are strong, custom-made porcelain shells that are fitted over your teeth and significantly improve your smile. They are quite small and thin, and you would not be able to feel their weight.

  • Dental Lumineers

    Dental Lumineers are even thinner than dental veneers and are made with cerinate porcelain, which is the strongest leucite-reinforced ceramic used in dental procedure. Since they are even thinner than dental Lumineers, they closely resemble natural teeth.

  • No-prep Veneers

    No-prep veneers are a more non-permanent solution to Dental Veneers. In this procedure, the dentists do not file down enamel to make the veneers fit, and they sit on your teeth, waiting to be removed later.

  • Full-mouth restoration

    If your teeth are worn down, broken, missing, or simply causing the problem in general, full-mouth restoration is the procedure you would need. In this procedure, individual recreation of each tooth is done to give you the smile of your dreams.

  • Teeth Whitening

    It is as simple as it sounds. In this procedure, your less-than-perfect white teeth are whitened. Things like coffee, red wine, etc., severely impact the whiteness of your teeth, and this is where the teeth whitening procedure comes in handy.

  • Snap-on smiles

    Snap-on smiles are a quick fix solution if you want that amazing smile right away. Snap-on smiles painlessly slide over your teeth, as is one of the best alternatives if you do not want an extensive cosmetic dentistry solution.

  • Crown Lengthening and Gum Contouring

    If you think that your smile has too many gums, then Crown Lengthening and Gum Contouring is the perfect procedure for you. In this procedure, gums tissues are removed and reshaped to give the patient a beautiful smile.

  • Britegums

    Britegums are the best and relatively new solution for black gums, which are a common cosmetic problem. Britegums are a painless solution compared to past solutions of dark gums. Apollo Dental is indeed your go-to spot when you are looking for reliable cosmetic dentistry treatment. Therefore, schedule an appointment now.

Meet Passionate Cosmetic Dentist in Charlotte

Are you looking for a reliable cosmetic dentist in Charlotte NC to get world-class treatments? Apollo Dental is your companion that provides cosmetic dentistry in Charlotte NC to enhance your smile. We use the latest technique to restore the beauty of your smile. We have a team of trained and knowledgeable Charlotte NC cosmetic dentist that uses the latest methods and techniques to provide personalized solutions for your smile. You can seek Cosmetic Dentistry in Charlotte NC for a brighter smile that helps you create a lasting impression on others.

We believe in enhancing one’s appearance and it is possible with a beautiful smile only. As a cosmetic dentist in Charlotte NC, we believe in serving personalized solutions to our patients. We also make sure our patients get pampered with the best oral treatments. We always focus on providing you with the best smiles and consider your specific needs while providing the best treatments with affordable porcelain veneers cost in Charlotte NC.

Creating perfectly aligned teeth with porcelain veneers is has become easier and you can smile with confidence. We are experts not just in cosmetic dentistry but also at porcelain veneers in Charlotte NC. We help you deal with wear and tear, accidental damage, and uneven teeth. If you want to get the advantage of cosmetic dentistry, feel free to schedule your appointment with professionals at Apollo Dental. After all, it is your go-to hub where all your desires of owning a pearl white smile are fulfilled.

People, who are not satisfied with their smile, are eligible for a cosmetic dentistry. If you want to go for cosmetic procedure and there is an infection in the mouth, it needs to be cleared beforehand. People with missing, cracked, and unhealthy teeth can consider the cosmetic procedure to rejuvenate your smile.

There are many benefits of cosmetic surgery and one of them is a decrease in the risk of infection in your mouth. In fact, dental implants, bridges, and crowns will help to reduce available spaces in the mouth to remove harmful bacteria. You can also get a clean and healthy smile when unhealthy teeth are removed from your mouth through cosmetic surgery.

Conservative cosmetic dentistry is available for children. Immediate bonding will be done on broken teeth. Moreover, many treatments are available for children under 15 years of age.

The cost of the treatment depends on the amount of time required and the difficulty of the procedure. Improving your smile is possible with the combination of various treatments such as reshaping gums, bleaching, using bonded materials. You can consult your needs with our team and get a great quote on cosmetic surgery.

Yes, it can be done with cosmetic dentistry. You should consult with our experts to understand the process well. You don’t have to worry about anything. Just connect with us and let our professionals help you get a perfect smile.

Yes! We welcome you to fix your appointment for cosmetic dentistry with us. Moreover, we are ready to schedule your appointment that suits your timetable.

Cosmetic dentistry refers to improve the appearance of the teeth and gums. The primary focus is on dental aesthetics color, position, and size.

These are some common dental procedures and benefits:

  • Tooth Bleaching
  • Enamel bonding
  • Dental Veneers
  • Invisalign Braces

A basic dentist will take care of all the basic dental needs, and a cosmetic dentist will more focus on the aesthetics of the patient’s smile.

It is required to remove a thin layer of enamel from the teeth. The portion of the teeth that have lost enamel will be protected by the veneer.

These can be a permanent method to replace your missing teeth or the teeth suffering from decay or damage.

They can cure stained teeth, chips, broken, and misaligned, or have gaps in between the teeth as well.

Business Hours

Monday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM- 4:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM- 6:00 PM
Friday: 7:30 AM- 4:30 PM

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