Dental Bone Graft Cost in Charlotte NC

Dental Bone Graft Cost in Charlotte NC

Bone Grafting

We can perform dental bone graft procedures to restore your bone following tooth loss, gum disease and trauma. It is used to maintain facial structure after Dental Extraction in charlotte. The jaw and other facial bone support the face and appearance. An implant placement requires the jawbone to be as close to its original size and shape as possible. At Apollo Dental, we use an allograft bone (autograft requires a second surgical site and there may not be enough available bone for the procedure).

Get Personalized & Cost-Effective Dental Grafting Treatment

Whether you are worried about your missing tooth or you just have had a tooth extraction, you might be eligible for dental bone grafting. Transplanting of bone tissue might sound confusing and fixing the damaged bones is no longer a matter of concern. Bone grafting is the process of filling the area where the bone is absent. Apollo Dental is the leading hub where you get the bone graft done for structural stability. We have affordable dental bone graft cost in charlotte NC and ensure our customers get reliable dental treatments at their leisure.

Injuries and diseases are two major causes why bone grafting should be performed. No matter what your reason for bone grafting is, we will help you get it fixed with professional bone grafting treatment. Our team of dentists is highly skilled and lets you seek better solutions for all your oral problems. With years of experience in bone grafting, we provide you with the best tooth replacement treatment. Our treatments are affordable and we make sure you afford the care you deserve.

Whenever possible, we guide our patients about the entire bone grafting procedure. We use the best equipment and the latest technology to make sure you get the desired relief from your dental problems. If you desire faster and cost-effective dental solutions, then feel free to get in touch with us. You can schedule an appointment online and get implant-supported dentures installed in a fuss-free manner.

Business Hours

Monday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM- 5:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM- 6:00 PM
Friday: 7:30 AM- 4:30 PM

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