Dental Air Abrasion

Dental Air Abrasion

Air Abrasion

Air abrasion is a drill-less technique that is being used by some dentists to remove early, small areas of tooth decay and to perform other procedures. During air abrasion, a fine stream of particles is aimed at the stained or decayed portion of the tooth. These particles are made of silica, aluminum oxide, or a baking soda mixture and are propelled toward the tooth surface by compressed air or a gas that runs through the dental handpiece.

Air abrasion generates no heat, pressure, or vibration. For shallow cavities, it reduces the need for anesthesia. It reduces the risk of fracturing and chipping of the tooth, which some dentists believe can affect the life span of the filling. The crowns, onlays and inlays cannot be prepared using air abrasion.

Air abrasion removes a tooth structure by using steam of aluminum oxide particles generated from compressed air.

This can include lateral tooth brushing, biting nails, chewing on pens. Toothbrush abrasion can be repaired by bonding a tooth-colored filling over.

It doesn’t have any living cells and it is unable to repair itself if it has gone through physical or chemical damage so enamel won’t grow back.

It is a physical process of rubbing, scouring particles of rock are eroded with the help of friction.

For this, you need to cut down on acidic drinks and foods like soda, citrus fruits, and juices.

The procedure of abrasion dentistry does not cause significant pain to the tooth so it is not required to get numb.

This process will reduce the need for anesthesia for the cavity is shallow, this will also lower the risk of fracturing and chipping of the tooth.

It is done to blow the saliva so the teeth are dry, plaque, tartat, and fracture lines can be more visible.

Air polishing the best way to remove the discoloration and all the stains caused by drinking wine, coffee, tea. Through this procedure, you can whiten your teeth and also remove dental plaque.

A micro air abrasion involves and uses of high-powered air tool to wear down and gently remove small decayed or infected particles.

The process of sandblasting removes surface discoloration, this will also make your smile brighter, smoother, and refereed teeth.

Business Hours

Monday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Friday: 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM

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