Patient Center

Patient Center

First Visit

Prior to your first visit, you will need to request your records to be transferred from your previous dental office, including any x-rays that have been taken in the last year. This may prevent you from incurring additional costs for x-rays that may not yet be covered under your insurance plan due to frequency limitations. To simplify this process for you, a release form can be emailed for you to complete and return so that our office is able to take care of this on your behalf.

Be sure to submit your new patient intake forms online prior to arriving for your first visit. These forms must be completed before you are checked in. Completing them in advance will prevent the possibility of needing to reschedule in the event that you are unable to arrive in time to complete them before your scheduled appointment time. In respect of your time as well as Dr. Seth’s and our other patients, we may need to reschedule if you are not checked in within 10 minutes of your appointment time.

During your new patient appointment, we will take necessary x-rays to allow you the best diagnostic experience during Dr. Seth’s thorough comprehensive examination. Your gum health will be evaluated as well to determine the type of cleaning you will need. Typically, if you are clinically eligible for a general cleaning, this is performed during your first visit. For patients who require a more involved cleaning, it may be necessary to schedule one to two follow up appointments to allow adequate time to complete these procedures.

Once the doctor has discussed with you her recommendations based on your dental health, our office coordinator will prepare and review a treatment plan with you which will outline the phases of your treatment as well as the coverage your insurance benefits allow, if applicable. The coordinator will also assist in scheduling your next visit to the clinic.

Business Hours

Monday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Friday: 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM

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